Café scene in the market square (Place Charles de Gaulle)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Franglais s'approche....

'Les immortels' would not be amused.  Whilst trawling around my local branch of LeClerc this morning I wandered into its adjoining 'espèce culturel' to try and locate a diary for 2011.  Amongst the many interesting books, including a fascinating range of 'bande dessinée' (cartoon strip) which seemed to cover every genre and epoch imaginable there was also a wide selection of books about World War II, of which a fair few were particularly local.  I find these books fascinating.  When out on one or two of my regular cycling routes, I pass small memorials situated along the roadside in the forest.  These memorials bear the names of local men marking the spot where they were shot by the Germans during the second world war.  It's quite easy to touch and almost smell the history in these parts and it makes it easier to understand why Remembrance Day carries such a meaning here. Whenever I pick up one of these war time books and glance through its pages I feel truly frustrated that my level of French won't allow me to fully understand the text.  

Turning from the heavier, more serious, tomes I noted, with some amusement, frothy types of Christmas fare books a few of which had DIY kits included.  These items would have 'les élus' from the Academie Française, throwing their arms up in horror.  The ubiquitous use of English words gate-crashing the French language continues apace.  Of note on today's menu enticing titles like "Mon-Kit cupcakes" and "La petite fabrique à cupcakes", not to mention le "Crumble Party" would have the 40 good men and true reaching for the nearest Cognac. 

What is it about cupcakes or am I missing something vital?  Cup cakes, who eats them?  Who ever ate them?  I am well informed that they're just bits of sponge with a sickly icing sugar topping.  I just can't see the attraction myself but they seem to be all the rage in these parts.  So much so that you can even buy your own small cupcake-making factory in a tin.  Pleeease!!

and can anybody tell me what this is?

Short of things to do this Christmas?  Bereft of ideas for the coming party season?  Then why not think about holding a "Crumble Party"?

hope you've got an invite

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