Café scene in the market square (Place Charles de Gaulle)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pumpkin pumpkin and more pumpkin

It seemed a good idea at the time;  certainly if one is looking at home economics.  But the arrival in the house of a rather large squash which I bought in a rash moment as I passed through a nearby village and spotted it sitting in magnificent pomp outside M. Rochebrune’s house had decided the events of today.  I found our largest chopping board and an old machete handed down by my wife’s grandparents and set about business.  It did not give in easily but eventually the thing lay helpless on the board split asunder.  The kitchen became orange;  orange everywhere;  all over the cooker, the sink and worktops.  Like a really, really bad moment from 1969. We now have enough squash meals, of soup, pie, tart, soufflé etc, etc to keep the 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards content for a couple of campaigns.

Death of a pumkin

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