Café scene in the market square (Place Charles de Gaulle)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mardi grey

The autumnal weather is now firmly set in.  Today it has rained and rained without abatement.  It is in many ways a typical Dordogne day for when it rains here it can turn truly biblical.  I ventured out in the hope of buying some Pacherenc du Vic Bilh from the local cave.  Lesley and I had gathered some chestnuts from the Foret de la Double earlier in the week and the weather being such today seemed a good day to roast them on the fire. 

On my way to the cave I passed by our local war memorial.  I read the the plaque that rests at the base.  It is the celebrated call from General de Gaulle "A tous les Français" of August 1940 following his June 18th 1940 call to resistance from London.  It seemed rather poignant today it being the anniversary of his death.  I wondered how many young French of the town take any notice of it despite the fact that de Gaulle was such a statesman and world renowned figure. 

I returned home via our newly painted charcuterie.  The shop only changed hands in April.  It was taken over by the apprenti after the previous owner retired.  It is heartening that such small shops can still exist and indeed encourage young people to take over and run them in a town that is dominated by five supermarkets.  On a wet Tuesday evening it shone out like a beacon in the pre Christmas gloom.

Mr Joubert's newly painted shop front

A little something to keep the cold and wet out

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